DSA Monthly Meetings


Education • Networking • Encouragement • Advocacy

Learning Opportunity presented by the Dallas Songwriters

* Monthly Workshops which feature guest speakers from all fields of the music industry.

• Critique sessions that give honest, creative, and helpful advice on improving writing style and technique.

Motivating and Uplifting Songwriters through Education

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DSA Meeting Tuesday, January 11, 2011 6:30-9:30

What do you want from DSA in 2011?
    Members and Directors brainstorm. 
Can't attend the meeting? Email your thoughts about DSA programs and activities and we will read them to the group for discussions. Directors will take these ideas to the January planning meeting.

Free to Members
$5 for Visitors

Sign in and Networking begins at 6:30
Announcements at 7PM
Program about 7:30
Song Critiques follow - Members only may enter for $5

Future Programs:

Feb: David Banning - Banning has two cuts on the new Joey + Rory CD "Album #2", The Horse Nobody Could Ride and Baby I'll Come Back To You. He also has the bonus track "Buy Our CD" on the Wal-Mart version of the CD.

March: Tom Prasada-Rao - renowned singer songwriter. http://tomprasadarao.com/

Friday, December 10, 2010

DSA Christmas Party, Tuesday, Dec. 14th

Come out and bring a spouse or friend.

Part 1. Networking and eating
Part 2.  Christmas Caroling
Part 3. Program: My Favorite Christmas Song and Why? Barbara and Donna will present. Others are encouraged to bring a song also. Bring a Cd, tape or vinyl, and lyrics.
Part 4: Instant Song - Break up into co-write groups. Bring your instruments. Ken coordinates.


There will be plenty of food, ham, beans, veggies and fruit.

Sign in and Networking begins at 6:30
Announcements at 7PM
Program about 7:30