DSA Monthly Meetings


Education • Networking • Encouragement • Advocacy

Learning Opportunity presented by the Dallas Songwriters

* Monthly Workshops which feature guest speakers from all fields of the music industry.

• Critique sessions that give honest, creative, and helpful advice on improving writing style and technique.

Motivating and Uplifting Songwriters through Education


I am a non-member, and would like to participate in the next upcoming meeting in December.

Our 2nd Tuesday critiques are for songs of members only. Visitors are welcome to come and listen to the critiques. We charge $5 for visitors to attend. Members are free, but there is a charge of $10 to our members for a song critique.

  I do have some questions about the song critiquing process.  How are the songs submitted? 

Songs can be performed live, played from a CD (only one song on the CD), or  lyrics only. Songwriters are asked to bring 30 copies of the lyric sheets.

Via lead sheet only? 

Yes, lead sheet, is acceptable, but usually lyrics and a recording or live performance is the norm.

Or does it have to be already recorded work? 

No. However, most of our songwriters do present songs by CD.

Once reviewed, are the song sugesstions, ie. ways to improved, given to the writer immediatly, or is there any followup contact after the meeting?

The songs are critiqued immediately following the song being played. Comments are presented out loud by a panel of industry professionals, usually the guest speaker and a DSA director. Those critiquing are encouraged to write there comments on the lyric sheet.  You can record the critique if you wish.

There is also a mail - in critique service for members who are unable to attend the meeting. The comments are recorded and emailed to the member. The fee is $20