DSA Monthly Meeting
Location: Your home
6:30 pm: Networking and visiting
7:00 pm: Program followed by song critiques for members
Zoom ID # 617 432 0082 -
This FIRST THURSDAY VIRTUAL MEETING WORKSHOP is held monthly and features a guest speaker and song critiques. It is streamed live to facebook.
The first monthly member meeting of 2023 will feature Sam Moore as our speaker! Sam is an accomplished songwriter who is a DSA member and also a longtime member of the Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI). Sam will talk about NSAI and what it offers and how the NSAI and DSA can complement each other so be sure to tune into the meeting on Zoom!
SONG CRITIQUES FOLLOW Chance for members to compete in the contest for Song of the Year and Songwriter of the Year Awards.
Get in your songs to be critiqued by industry pros Barbe McMillen and Joe Milton and considered for the 2023 Member Song Contest and Songwriter of the Year. Go to the DSA website (see link below) to enter your song, or you can play them live. When you go to the website look for "Forms" on the upper right-hand corner of the page then point to "Song Critiques" and the form will show up. You can type in the lyrics or cut & paste. For the song audio go to "Choose File" and load your audio file(s).
Cost is $10 per song. You can pay online for critiques at:
If you have a problem with this link, you can pay on square and show lyric and play audio on your computer. Here is square link.
Each song is entered into the Song of The Year and Songwriter of the Year Competition which is awarded at our Program in February.
FEB 2 - Jamey Shannon
MAY 2 - Don Wall
APR 6 - Ron McKeown
MAY 4 - Ian Dickson
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